1. Legal Notice
The site you are currently viewing is property of EN3S – École Nationale Supérieure de Sécurité Sociale (National School for Social Security), an administrative national public institution with head office at
27 rue des Docteurs Charcot
42031 SAINT-ÉTIENNE cedex 2
Telephone: 04 77 81 15 15
APE code: 8542 Z
SIRET code: 194 218 798 000 16
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In accordance with the Data Protection Law no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 as amended, you have the right to object to the use of the data concerning you (Article 38), and to access (Article 39), amend or delete (Article 40) such data. You can exercise these rights by contacting the National School for Social Security.
You can exercise your rights, providing proof of your identity:
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CS 13132
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However, those web pages, whose addresses have been duly verified, are not part of the portal and therefore EN3S accepts no liability for them.
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8. Contacts
For any questions concerning these terms of use of the website, please contact the Communications Department of EN3S.