Formation internationale

Dernière mise à jour le 01/10/2021


EN3S is a well-known institute in the field of social protection training, research, and promotion. For more than 30 years, EN3S has been training managers and senior executives of social protection institutions in France and abroad.

The Institute of Economic and Social Administration (IAES), part of the Law Faculty of the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, brings together professors and researchers specialized in economics, sociology, history and social protection law. The IAES has a solid experience in analyzing and promoting the fundamental mechanisms of social protection as well as implementing academic know-hows.

This new university degree, which merges the knowledge and skills of a national institute and a prestigious university, aims to offer a high-level multidisciplinary training in relation with the challenges of social security policies and their implementation.



This university degree is aimed at experts or managers from social security organizations or ministries willing to progress in their careers or to take on new responsibilities.

Candidates must be designated by their government or social welfare institution employers.


The teaching program of the DU GEOSS is structured along 4 major periods:

Online pre-training (4 weeks) 

A distance learning, compatible with a professional activity (a one-day basis per week).

Training modules, available through the EN3S digital campus – videos, interactive pedagogical activities, and virtual online courses.

Training in Saint-Etienne (15 weeks)

Face-to-face training takes place from February to April, around 6 subject areas (UE):

  • UE 1: Social protection: international developments, trends and initiatives
  • EU 2: Implementation of social protection policies
  • UE 3 : Methodology of coverage extension
  • UE 4 : Management of social protection organizations
  • UE 5 : Management approaches and methods
  • UE 6 : Analysis and steering of social protection systems and management processes

Realization of a professional study (4 weeks)

The realization of the professional study will be supervised by the EN3S pedagogical team through:

  • The organization of technical visits, immersion internships, interviews with experts…
  • The setting up of a tutoring by a social security professional, specialized on the study theme.

Assessment of the acquired knowledge, validation of the diploma (2 weeks)

An individual follow-up of the evolution and progress of each participant is carried out throughout the schooling. This follow-up is completed by a diversified evaluation system of the acquired knowledge including:

  • Assessment of individual and group work ;
  • Continuous control of knowledge ;
  • The drafting and presentation of the professional study.

The Graduation Ceremony will take place in the premises of University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, in Paris


The advantages of training

Candidates must be designated by their government or social welfare institution employers.

Applications must be sent to EN3S, by the competent authority, before September 20, 2021. Candidates will be selected by IAES-La Sorbonne and EN3S after review of their application forms and a videoconference interview.

Selection criteria:

  • be able to present, in a synthetic way, their professional project in relation to its environment and its stakes ;
  • justify general knowledge in the field of social protection, organizational management and management;
  • demonstrate motivation to follow a high-level program.

Why you should sign up for training with us

  • Openness to international social policies and management practices through the sharing of experiences between social protection professionals from different backgrounds
  • Reinforcement of personal and interpersonal skills to boost the managerial posture and contribute more effectively to the organization’s performance
  • Teaching speakers and specialists from the social and academic spheres with complementary insights
  • Teaching methods that encourage interactivity and proactive involvement of students through numerous practical cases and role-playing situations: social coverage extension case study, sharing experiences, exchanging best practices, etc.
  • A theoretical and practical framework, analyzing methods and tools adaptable to the professional context of each participant’s country of origin


Candidates must be designated by their government or social welfare institution employers.

Applications must be sent to EN3S, by the competent authority. Candidates will be selected by IAES-La Sorbonne and EN3S after review of their application forms and a videoconference interview.

Selection criteria:

  • be able to present, in a synthetic way, their professional project in relation to its environment and its stakes ;
  • justify general knowledge in the field of social protection, organizational management and management;
  • demonstrate motivation to follow a high-level program.


International Relations Department: +33 04 77 81 15 05